What Are Lip & Tongue-Ties?
Does your baby have a lip or tongue-tie? Do you or your baby have the symptoms in the chart shown here? If so, itโs time to book a consultation with our pediatric tongue-tie dentist in Okemos, MI.
Baby's Symptoms
- Frequent nursing
- Colic, reflux, gassy infant
- Failure to gain weight
- Calloused or blistered upper or lower lip
- Sliding off nipple, unable to sustain a latch
- Loud snoring, noisy sleep, restless sleep indicative of tongue obstructing airway
Mother's Symptoms
- Painful latch due to biting, cracked nipples
- Flattened, creased or flattened nipples
- Bleeding nipples
- Failure to bond with baby leading to postpartum depression
- Plugged ducts, mastitis, engorged ducts
How Are Lip & Tongue-Ties Diagnosed?
Lip and tongue-ties can often be diagnosed by our pediatric dentist in Okemos, MI, after a thorough examination of the child’s mouth and observing how they feed. The diagnosis is typically based on the appearance, function, and mobility of the tongue that is restricted by the frenulum, which is the thin piece of tissue that connects the tongue or lip to the mouth.
Our board-certified pediatric dentist will look for signs such as a heart-shaped tongue tip, inability to lift the tongue to touch the roof of the mouth, or a visible frenulum under the upper lip attaching low on the gingiva.
Dr. Ramaswami may also assess the baby’s ability to breastfeed or bottle-feed, looking for symptoms such as poor latch, clicking noises during feeding, and excessive gas or colic.
How We Release a Lip or Tongue-Tie
While some providers use a scalpel or scissors, Dr. Ramaswami uses a state-of-the-art Lightscalpel CO2 laser to quickly and nearly painlessly release the tethered tissue. While there are many laser procedures done by other providers, the benefit of a CO2 laser is that it reduces postoperative swelling and bleeding by sealing off the lymphatic and blood vessels.
Studies have also shown that patients treated with a CO2 laser have significantly less postoperative pain, both on day 1 and day 7, as compared to scalpel surgery, and patients who were treated with a laser require less pain medication after treatment than those who were treated with a scalpel. (Patel, et al., 2015)
โThis piece of technology limits bleeding, minimizes the risk of infection, reduces surgery time, and provides faster recovery! The CO2 Laser can take less than 10 seconds of laser time to release a tongue or lip tie.
Why the CO2 Laser for Tongue-Tie Release?
Tongue-tie and lip-tie revision with CO2 laser can be life-changing.
The following are benefits of using a CO2 laser:
Greater surgical precision
Less postoperative pain
Reduced swelling
Reduced risk of infection
Reduced bleeding
Minimal wound contraction and scarring
Elimination of suture
Symptoms of a tongue or lip tie can include difficulty with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, poor weight gain, excessive gas or colic, fussiness or crying during or after feeding, difficulty sticking out the tongue or moving it side to side, difficulty with speech or pronunciation, dental issues such as crowded or crooked teeth, and poor oral hygiene due to limited tongue mobility.
Tongue and lip ties are diagnosed by a qualified pediatric dentist or lactation consultant, who will perform a thorough examination of the child’s mouth and observe how they feed.
Tongue and lip ties can be treated through a procedure called a tongue-tie release, which involves cutting or releasing the frenulum to allow for greater mobility of the tongue or lip. Tongue-tie release can be done with a scalpel, scissors, or a laser.
A tongue-tie release is a minimally invasive procedure that is typically performed with local anesthesia. While there may be some discomfort or soreness afterward, most children recover quickly and without significant pain.
Recovery time after a tongue-tie release is typically quick, with most children returning to normal activities within a day or two. Parents will need to follow some post-operative instructions to prevent the lip or tongue tie from returning. Our office will share these exercises with you after the tongue-tie release.
Book a Consultation for Lip & Tongue-Tie Release
We like to remind mothers that breastfeeding is not intended to be a painful and uncomfortable experience. Schedule a consultation with our pediatric tongue-tie dentist in Okemos, MI, to discuss any concerns you have about nursing or your childโs weight gain. Call the Michigan Tongue-Tie & Airway Center at (517) 574-4688 or fill out our online contact form.